Snow chances

 Fool me once, shame on you...there is snow in the forecast through Saturday, but I'll believe it when I see it.  Fortunately, we are back to seasonal temperatures, but the snow that we have is melting so fast.  Ugh.

At a Super Bowl party Sunday night, I was whining about the conditions on our trail - icy, hard packed, rutted, no fun - and how I wasn't going up with snowshoes until we got some more snow when friend April uttered magic words "yaktrax."  I'd forgotten all about mine because I haven't used them for a few years.  I slapped those on this morning and got all the way to the overlook without any trouble, except for all the exposed rocks and lack of a discernible trail.  However, on the way down, I realized my yaktrax weren't on only to find them before we even get to the turnoff for the True Grit mine.   I suppose it was my new snow boots with really good tread that helped me.

Lookng towards the amphitheater - rocks, rocks, rock

We took Dempsey to the Uncompaghre Trail in Ridgway on Saturday.  He and I both needed to walk somewhere.

Just a cool winter picture:


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