Too cold to snow?

 That was some kind of myth when I was growing up in eastern Kansas, that it could become too cold to snow.  It is currently snowing at eight degrees here on MFL.  At 9:15 a.m., we have reached our high for the day, slowing slipping down to a forecasted low in Ouray of -5.  We are in an extreme cold warning from 6:00 tonight until 11 tomorrow morning.  We do break out of it tomorrow, reaching a predicted high of 34 in Ouray.  I hope so because I need to get into the woods.

Mike and I went to an avalanche information meeting last night at the community center.  It was hosted by CAIC, Colorado Avlanche Information Center, and it was so interesting.  Granted, neither of us do much in the back country, but information is always good.  The Ouray Trail Group goes out every Saturday snowshoeing, and MIke says they've been in areas before where they've turned around because of the terrain and conditions.   CAIC has built a beacon field across from Crystal Lake on Red Mountain Pass.   It's a training site for anyone who wants to learn how to locate someone whose beacon has gone off because of being caught in an avalanche.   It is open to the public until the season is over, most likely April.


Our snow total is 62.5 inches plus maybe one new inch.  We will begin slipping behind our averages with very little chance for snow in the next 10 days.  


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