There aren't enough words

 I snowshoed up Veenstras' trail this afternoon, and there aren't enough words to describe how breathtakingly beautiful it was today.  The sky was clear and that shade of blue only seen in Colorado.  We had another inch of snow yesterday, and since it's been so cold, the snow was still clinging to the trees in clumps.  

I followed some different tracks up that were in single file, which is something cats do to distract prey.  I had some concern it was either a coyote or a mountain lion, but after I got home, I did some research, and I think it was a fox.  Mike was at Ironton cross-country skiing and said there have been recent moose sightings, and warnings are posted.  One of my favorite lines from Men in Black is, "We at the FBI don't have a sense of humor that we're aware of."  That would be moose.  

The next week is going to be super cold with few chances of accumulating snow.  As Ouray is getting ready for the international ice climbing competition January 23-26, the ice farmers have to be thrilled with this forecast. 

Mike and I have made a trail across the big meadow and into the woods.  Today, I continued the trail for about 75 yards until I came to the point where I didn't know if I needed to go straight up or up to the right.  Obviously, the landscape is so different with snow.  Next time we go up together, Mike will figure it out.  Everyone knows I can't find my way out of a paper bag.


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