Kansas beats us out

 We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow, 4-8 inches, but that could change in the next five minutes.  However, my sister in Lawrence, KS and my bestie in Topeka are under a winter storm warning from tomorrow morning through Monday, ice first, then 8-12 inches on top of ice.  I'm happy to be here.

The Rotary Park ice rink has opened for the first time since we moved here.  There are broomball leagues, and after just checking the website, skates are free to use and are located in the warming hut.  I've only been ice-skating once, but hey, free...

Mike decided to participate in the Polar Plunge at the hot springs New Year's Day.  Outside temperatures were in the 30s, and the water couldn't have been much warmer than that.  It's a fundraise for our local Special Olympics swim team.

We went over to Ridgway today to walk the Uncompaghre Trailway.  Dempsey is struggling a lot with the loss of Mirabella and won't leave the perimeter of the house or go up the trail unless both Mike and I are with him - and sometimes not even then.  He won't go anywhere with just one of us.  We walked for a few miles, fabulous views, clear pathway, and we saw a coyote and a bald eagle, both too far away to get a good photo.  But still!

Next weekend is the San Juan Skijoring competition at the fairgrounds.  They made a pile of snow with snowmakers last week and are now moving it to the fairgrounds and making the course.  I'm so excited about going this year.  Two years ago, we were gone, and last year, it was unbelievably cold.  This is my year.

The Whites are in residence - yay! - and have made an oval track on the pond for speedskating.  


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