A whole lotta nuthin'

 SO disappointing.  When I went downstairs last night around 10 to read, it was sort of snowing, but all we got over these past few days is frost on the pumpkin and a skiff of snow.  

Mike and I drove over to Silverton for lunch yesterday just to see some snow - I know, we're ridiculous! - and it started showing up on the ground around 10,000 feet.  Silverton had maybe four inches, but it was snowing hard when we left, and it continued to snow until about Ironton Park.  There is still a slight chance of snow in October on the day before Halloween, but that's it.  It would be the first October in our four Octobers here that we didn't get measurable snow.  It is a La Nina year, which usually means drier for the southwest portion of Colorado.

The Red Mountains are white!

From Avalanche Brewery in Silverton

Update on storm damage between us and Jason's A-frame:  Steve Lankenau has been working so hard to clean up the six trees that fell, two evergreen and four aspen.  Now, after all that sawing and picking up and loading on his trailer, it looks like nothing happened.  If you come across him out and about, thank him for his work!

On the way over to Silverton, I noticed the avalanche signs are up, which reminded me that I wanted to share the information about CAIC, Colorado Avalanche Information Center, which is based in Silverton.  They are all over the state during the winter, but we often see their trucks on 550 between Ouray and Silverton.  I follow them on Instagram, and they post almost daily during the winter.  I have learned so much about avalanches.  Highly recommend.

A beautiful picture from Mineral Farms Lane:


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