Spring has sprung!

 Every spring, my mother would say this ditty:  Spring has sprung, the grass has ris, I wonder where the flowers is.  Considering we're a bunch of grammar freaks, it still amazes me she could say this.

Anyway...I saw some fish swimming in the pond a few days ago and no dead ones so far!  The ice is melting on the pond quickly, but the level is down about a foot.  Since we've only had 10 feet of snow up here on MFL, I'm curious what our summer is going to look like.

Yesterday, I glanced out our kitchen window and saw Dempsey racing up the hill to the trail.  Out of the woods by the sheds, here came a coyote followed closely by Dempsey.  They then went up the trail again, down by the sheds, between 20 and 22, past the pond, and down the road.  What?!!  When Mike got home, I asked him if he thought I was nuts or if it was possibly a coyote.  He thought probably a coyote.  This morning, before I got up, there were five turkeys down in our aspen grove.  I haven't seen any bear tracks yet, and I'm sure it's just a matter of time.  We're getting ready to put the hummingbird feeders out.

And a flower by my house!


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