Too long since I've posted!

 It feels like Mineral Farms Lane is full up, lots of coming and going.  Dempsey has finally calmed down to the point where he doesn't bark at every vehicle coming up the road.  Ten months of the year, nothing much happens up here, so it's different for him.

Mag chloride was put down just before 4th of July.  The road is now pretty dustless and in a nice, smooth condition.  

We've been in a dry spell for the past month or so, but the forecast is showing the monsoons kicking in next week.  The ponds are still draining in a big way.  It is still green, green, green.

And speaking of full up, the town of Ouray is craziness!  Camp Bird Road down by the Via Ferrata and Sutton Mine Trails is always jam packed, as are the two parking lots for Via Ferrata and razr/jeep staging.  Tourists are on the move.

Some photos:

View above and below from
Ridgway Music Series

I've been hearing this referred to as
an albino columbine

True state flowers in the wild

Albany Loop Trail, Mike and Hale
getting rid of a tree blocking the trail

there's still snow!

One of the Reds from Albany Loop Trail


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