
 It's a gloomy Saturday morning, and it's been this way for a few days now.  The ponds are full, the outlets are gushing, the fish are well.  We'd been hearing loud water-sounding noises from the pond, and we initally thought the aerators had gone rogue.  But no!  There's a waterfall between Aaron and Marchelle's house and David and Faith's.  I climbed back there - well, because I could - and I found it, along with bear poop.  There's a surprise - not.  Anyway, water, water everywhere.

Ridgway Reservoir is filling up fast, and we could tell that it was going to happen because the Uncompaghre north of the reservoir went down significantly in volume.    We're seeing paddleboards, sailboats, and kayaks, but that water must be so cold since it's almost all snowmelt.

Greg and I went to Box Canon Falls last week.  I was curious about volume and the new structure that had opened near the bottom to allow closer contact with the falls.  I didn't know until an article in the paper last week that the falls are fed by Canyon Creek and not the Uncompaghre.  Oh, my, my, my, it was fantastic.

And some random photos:

Second Mountain Music Series concert
Fabulous but cold!

One-eyed sphinx moth visited for a few days

View from True Grit Mine
Just another beautiful day in the San Juans

Our resident turkey - but now there are two!


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