Wildlife news

 On our way home from Ouray last night, we came across a yearling bear scampering across MFL near the Fickerts' driveway.  It was heading down towards Barb and Steve's.   We've been seeing signs for the past few months, specifically poop on the road, but this is our first live sighting.

The pond is very full, as full as we've seen it, and the little spillway is doing its job.  We've been seeing lots and lots of crawdads/crayfish/mudbugs - whatever you want to call them - in various forms, alive, dead, swimming, more than we've ever seen before.  I think they're creepy.  We've been wondering if foxes, which are still doing their screeching thing at night, or bears or coyotes are feasting on them.  Hard to believe, but I haven't studied up on what those animals eat.

The fish that were delivered last week seem to be thriving and alive.  I've been feeding them once a day, and I still find it hilarious to watch them grab the feed.

And I have a daffodil!


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