Rainbows, hummingbirds, fish, and snow

 On my way to my dental checkup in Ridgway yesterday morning, I saw this:

Two complete rainbows, ground to ground

Double rainbows are frequent in Colorado, but I've never seen to complete double rainbows.  Much to the dismay of drivers behind me, I pulled over several times to take pictures.  They were just too amazing.  I ran into the dental office and made the receptionist come out and ooh and aah with me.  She was appreciative...or so she said. 

We put up hummingbird feeders a few days ago, and we've already had visitors.  There will be many more as it warms up, and I'm concentrating on annuals that will provide them with food.

If anyone has ever been confused about when the tourists are expected to arrive, this removes all doubt.

Yield to pedestrian signs are up!

It's 45 degrees today, and it's been snowing off and on, most of it coming in sideways.  Welcome to spring in Colorado.

The new fish are arriving sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Aaron says it's a new company, and I'm hoping they have the ability to shoot them into the pond.  I'll post pictures if they do.  In the meantime, we've started feeding the fish now that the ice is gone, and it causes such feeding frenzies. 


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