Calm before another storm

 We've had consecutive days above freezing, which has allowed us to catch up on snow removal since Mike's injury.  There's a storm headed our way Sunday night into Monday, possibility of some accumulating snow, but so far it's not a big one.

Mike is improving, but he's only two weeks into a 4-6 week recovery period. 

We've been monitoring the three aerators in the upper pond, and although the middle one has completely frozen over, the one closest to the dam and the other closest to Marchelle and Aaron's house are still open.  These consecutive days of above freezing have helped.

Mike and I finally got up Veenstra's Trail to do some snowshoeing, but we've only made it to just below bear meadow.  With SAD, two colds, sinus infection and bronchitis, and some broken ribs, we've had a not so pleasant late fall into early winter.  For sure, my stamina has been affected, but I have hopes for getting up to the overlook before winter's end.

Driving down Camp Bird Road,
the Ampitheater in all its majesty

a little mouse?

Behind our house:  when the avalance happens,
and it will, it's going to be a doozy

Marchelle and Aaron's house

The view from Steve Lankanau's living room


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