Gnats, gnats, and more gnats

Did I mention the gnats?  Jeez, they are horrible!  I imagine it's a result of really wet weather followed by really warm temps, but we did not have this problem last year.  We need a freeze.

Yesterday, it was 87 degrees in Ouray, and it's been hot for days now.   I'm crabby.  The forecast is for cooler temperatures over the weekend, not a moment too soon.

Greg and I drove over to Silverton late Monday afternoon, just because we can and it's a favorite drive, and we saw a few aspens turning yellow and more going in that direction.  I was surprised until I realized it was already September  5th.  My, how time flies.

The Labor Day weekend was absolute madness in Ouray and up Camp Bird Road.  At one point, I counted 15 cars lined up for people to go to the Via Ferrata.  The other two parking lots were completely full. 

We've had a few smoky days as the California wildfire smoke gets caught up in the jet stream over Colorado.  It hasn't been horrible here...yet.

I still can't quite identify these flowers blooming
all over Ouray and on Veenstras' trail.
Corn marigold? Golden chamomile?  Goldeneye?

It was so hot this morning that Mirabella and Dempsey
did not run around like crazy dogs.

Another super mushroom on the trail

My new sign


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