
 It's that time of year when we eat our weight in Olathe sweet corn, Palisade peaches, and Rocky Ford cantaloupe.  We just can't get enough.  Additionally, when Greg and I stopped at the Ridgway Farmer's Market last Friday in search of decent tomatoes - and that's about all we got, decent but not great - he discovered Pandemic Polly Peppers, a booth filled with hot sauces and ground peppers.  He highly recommends.  If you can't find them at a farmer's market, they are online at pandemicpollypeppers.com

We noticed on our way to and from Ouray this afternoon that the county had made a pass on the road, because the potholes were not as drastic.  I was surprised since I had read in the paper how stretched the County DOT is after our month of rain, but I'm grateful.

I have a lot of deck time to make up for, considering July, and I'm taking full advantage.  I have missed it so much.  I have a Chromebook which I take out with me and watch baseball games, or I read or crochet or just sit and gawk at the scenery.  I'm a tourist at heart. 

Yay, palisade peach wheat is back at Full Tilt

New sign at "The Orange Beast."
It's worth stopping to read - so interesting.


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