Another doozy of a storm

Last night, we had a rather unexpected thunderstorm, and it almost matched the last one I wrote about - wind, rain, thunder, lightning.   The weather app on my phone shows lightning strike distances from Ouray, and it showed one 0.25 miles from Ouray.  We think it hit in the canyon because we saw the flash and heard the thunder almost simultaneously.   Dempsey is not a fan.  And as I right this, 2:00 on Saturday, we're having another.  I love the monsoons!

And speaking of Dempsey, on our way down from the overlook on Veenstra's trail, he found himself a doozy of a mud puddle and promptly plopped right into it.  He wasn't as happy with the rinse-off when we got home.

Neighbor news, Barb (3) suffered a fall at a waterfall on a hike and found herself at the emegency room to be treated for owies.  She's fine, but then she caught covid and has been quarantining this past week.  It feels like pouring salt in a literal wound.

I was counting up families on MFL last night, and I think 11 of our 14 houses are occupied.  I think that must be a record.  After having spent last winter with only three houses full, it seems odd to have so much activity.  We love seeing all the kids hanging out on the pond with all manner of floatables.  The pond is very, very full as a result of all this rain and runoff.

The summer music series has moved to Ridgway, after four fabulous weeks in Ouray.  Last Thursday night, we saw Shamarr Allen, a really talented and entertaining musician from New Orleans.  He was followed by Con Brio, a band out of San Francisco, and their lead singer was unbelievable.  Plus any band with a saxophone is top rate in my opinion.  We highly recommend these free concerts if you're in town.

And just a miscellaneous photo from paradise:


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