Commission update

 Mike wasn't able to go to the commission meeting last week, and so he placed a call to our commissioner, Ben Tisdel.  He left a message on Friday, and Ben returned the call yesterday, very prompt in our opinion.  Mike thanked him for getting the mag chloride laid down early, and Ben indicated that the county had tweaked the formula a bit, hoping for a better product.  We both think it's fabulous.  Mike reiterated our issues with the speed and noise on Camp Bird Road, and Ben indicated he was going to be in touch with the transportation department.  Mike felt very good after the conversation, but time will tell.

It was surprising that more people weren't in residence on MFL over Memorial Day weekend.   Mike and I were downtown Sunday afternoon to have a beer, and there were people everywhere!  We were at Full Tilt and took full advantage of local brewed beer:

I decided to try the Palisade Peach beer, and it was fantastic!  Mike is not a fruity beer kind of guy, and he liked the taste of mine so much that he ordered it also.

New to me this year - maybe previous years, don't know - is the Hot Springs has members-only hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday mornings from 10-11:30.  Last Sunday, we split wood for a few hours in the morning and then took advantage of this time.  Mike liked it okay, but he uses his pool time as a social hour.  I, on the other hand, prefer quiet soaking, so for me it was fabulous.  There were less than 10 people in the pool.  I intend to take full advantage of it - working out hard in the gym beforehand and then soaking sore muscles.

We had a great thunderstorm Sunday night.  We loved it, the dogs no so much.  It is so lovely to fall asleep to rain.  Mike and I hiked up to the overlook Monday morning, no bears but new snow on Abrams and the ampitheater.  We are so lucky to live here.

We put a light dog bed over Dempsey
during thunderstorms, and it comforts him

After pasqueflowers have bloomed


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