
Showing posts from June, 2022

New trail!

 Mike and the Ouray Trail Group worked on the Gray Copper Gulch Trail last Thursday.  They only went partway up to dismantle a bridge over the creek and then build a new one. Yesterday, we went up to hike the rest of it with Barb and Steve (3), who so graciously offered their four-wheel drive Jeep for us all go in and get to the trailhead.  What an amazing hike!  There were so many wildflowers, and we heard elk bugling in a meadow.  There was a waterfall at the end of the box canyon, and we ended at 11,200 feet, amazing views.  We all highly recommend. European arnica perennial honesty short Jacob's ladder Mike, Barb, and Steve at new bridge The meadow where we heard the elk bugling 11,200 feet We've been diligently feeding the fish, and when I say it's fun, I really mean it.  Watching the fish come to the surface to gobble up the feed is something I've never seen, and it never fails to entertain.  Highly recommend. With the rain we are having as ...

I did it!

After four unsuccessful tries, I finally conquered my nemesis, Weehawken Trail.  The four previous tries were failures because of one post-sprained ankle, two gut issues, and one lack of endurance (very early spring).   The forest is lush and green, and the wildflowers are blooming in shades of white, purple, yellow, and orange.  It was humid and cloudy today, much easier hiking on that trail than in bright sunlight.  No bears but two new trees down since the Ouray Trail Group worked on the trail just a week ago.  They're easy to get over. Dempsey always finds a cool place to rest heart-leaf amica Nevada pea An unidentified fern but a whole field of them! Since I last wrote, Zoey and Brett (5) have been on MFL, holding a family reunion.  They invited everyone in the neighborhood to a barbecue on Saturday night.  Mike went, along with Scott and Kathie Purdy.   Becky and Mark Veenstra  (22) arrived Sunday night, and for the balance of...

Back from the East Coast

Mike and I have been in Bucks County, PA for a high school graduation, and while it was great to be with family, humidity is not my friend.  Even though I was born and raised in Kansas, I don't do well with heat and humidity.   Ouray is perfect for me. I'm repeating the link here for Ouray County fire restrictions: We are getting ready to put more bacteria and blue dye in the pond in a continuing effort to keep pond algae under control.  Additionally, I stopped at Murdoch's early this morning and bought the smallest bag of fish food they had - 50 pounds.  Marchelle advises that she and Aaron just throw it in the pond by the handful periodically, and if anyone would like to share in this task, please stop by and get some fish food.   Marchelle also advises that it needs to be kept in an airtight container locked in a garage as bears find it enticing. On June 21, the Wright Opera House is hosting "Geo...

Busy, busy, busy

 Summer is in full swing in Ouray   Climbers are taking advantaage of the Via Ferrata.  The four-wheelers are lined up in the big parking lot at 550 and Camp Bird Road, and the restaurants and shops are full...and it's only very early June. Mike and I were at the hot springs yesterday afternoon - wow, lots of people - and I noticed for the first time that there is a climbing wall for kids and then they can fall back into the pool.  It's so entertaining to watch.  One of the slides is open now.   Barb (3) and I hiked up Veenstra's trail and then picked up the Sutton Mine Trail Thursday afternoon.  It was such a gorgeous afternoon!  It was a little upsetting to see that the clothesline had been taken down and put back up on the building, not nearly as fun.  The two washed-out gullies proved to be tricky as always, but Barb is an intrepid hiker and took off to find the best way up and down.  I helped Teddy the sheltie with a coupl...

Commission update

 Mike wasn't able to go to the commission meeting last week, and so he placed a call to our commissioner, Ben Tisdel.  He left a message on Friday, and Ben returned the call yesterday, very prompt in our opinion.  Mike thanked him for getting the mag chloride laid down early, and Ben indicated that the county had tweaked the formula a bit, hoping for a better product.  We both think it's fabulous.  Mike reiterated our issues with the speed and noise on Camp Bird Road, and Ben indicated he was going to be in touch with the transportation department.  Mike felt very good after the conversation, but time will tell. It was surprising that more people weren't in residence on MFL over Memorial Day weekend.   Mike and I were downtown Sunday afternoon to have a beer, and there were people everywhere!  We were at Full Tilt and took full advantage of local brewed beer: I decided to try the Palisade Peach beer, and it was fantastic!  Mike is not a ...