Did I mention bears?

 Barb (3) and I hiked up Veenstra's trail today as Barb is trying to accliimate from sea level to 8600 feet and because she'd never been up there before.  As we were coming back from the overlook, just as we approached the big meadow, Barb grabbed my arm and said,"Bear!"  There were two huge bears, probably 50 yards from us, not aggressive but watching us.  And because we are CRAZY, we had to stop and take pictures.

Be aware, everyone, be aware.

I liked hiking with Barb because she also stops to take pictures of flowers and then looks up their names.  I've always been one to "stop and smell the flowers," even when Mike and I were climbing 14ers.  He's a head down, get to the top kind of hiker, so we couldn't be more different.  

This is a serviceberry bush/tree - such pretty white flowers


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