Spring has sprung

 My mom was the grammar captain of our house, but every spring she would recite this poem:

                Spring has sprung, the grass has ris, I wonder where the flowers is.

I wince just typing it.

I found out yesterday that Ross, Catherine, and James, JP's renters (20) are moving to Tennessee next week.  Their lease is up, and rentals in Montrose were so ridiculous that they decided to move back to Catherine's home state, where they can buy a small farm for what they would pay for a Montrose house.  I am sad.  They have been such super neighbors these past five months.  James, who is not quite four, told me that he thinks his mom is having twins.  She just kept shaking her head, but he feels pretty strongly about it.

MFL appears to have been invaded with voles, both down at the VRBO and in the area between JP's and Aaron and Michelle's.  I'll take pictures tomorrow and post here.  I have this image in my head of Bill Murray from Caddyshack trying to blow up that gopher.

Mike is nursing a sore knee, a result of infection debris from a very large boil on the back of his thigh.  The dermatology NP told him it'll go away in time.  We tried to go up Veenstra's trail yesterday, still too much snow, so we headed to Ridgway State Park so he can start movng that knee.

Mears Bay Trail, a very mild and very scenic 2-mile trail

Indian paintbrush (above) and
phlox (below) blooming in Ridgway

Ridgway Reservoir, Sneffels in the back

If there's anything Mirabella likes more than snow,
it's racing through water

I need a panorama lens on my camera

You'll have to enlarge, but that's a blue heron.
We saw two today at the reservoir.

It's not called prickly pear cactus for nothing.
Mirabella stepped on this - so owie!


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