Snow, construction, and the Front Range

 Mike and I have made a quick trip to the Front Range, Colorado Springs yesterday to check on a very dear friend and dinner with my son and his girlfriend.  We're in Denver today because Mike has a pre-trial conference in federal court, and I'm hanging out at a Starbucks catching up and watching curling at the Olympics.

When we left MFL early yesterday morning, there were 7.5 inches of very welcome snow on the ground.  It was so beautiful I absolutely did not want to leave, and Mike was lamenting the trip that was preventing him from a snow day at Telluride.  The extended forecast for next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is looking a little more hopeful for snow.

Our contractor has started work on our bathroom.  Demolition was Tuesday, and they were able to get the pod out in two pieces by using a chainsaw or sawzall, something very loud.  Since it's fiberglass, they had to use very strict masking to protect themselves.  As with most construction projects, some issues were found once everything was out, but Jake the Builder will be able to fix those.

In order not to block the road and our garage, we have told Jake that the subs can park across from the Whites' house (18) and in their driveway since they're not here now.  I hope that's okay, Robbie and Amber!  If there's snow to the point where Byron (13) wants to get the tractor out, we'll deal with that.  In the meantime, please let me know if you've got problems with any parking.

A few before and after pictures:

da pod


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