
 I was so busy bragging about getting to live on MFL full-time, I forgot to mention I met Ross, renter at JP's (20), Katherine's (sp) husband, James's dad.  He was on his way out to water the horses and get to his winter job.  I am supposing he is a wrangler with Katherine, but I don't know for sure.  In the winter, he drives for a competitor of Telluride Express, driving shuttles between Montrose Airport and Telluride.  He's been doing this for several years now and loves that they allow him to bring the van home at night instead of having to go back to Montrose.  So if you see different vans parked at the house overnight, they're not hosting parties and overnighters.  It's just Ross's really nice wintertime employer.

He also said that Katherine and James have both been fighting a stomach bug for the last few weeks.  I hate that!  I hope they're out sledding soon.  And one last thing, he was in law enforcement for a number of years, so we have professional eyes and ears on MFL.  Doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, now if we just had a plumber...


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