Neighbor news

 I mentioned previously that Mike had met Ross and Paco the dog, who are staying a few months in JP and Michelle's house (20), and today we met Katherine (sp) and her three-year-old son James.  When we told her that Paco liked to start up the trail with us, she said that she's a wrangler, and he's used to being on the trail with her for miles and miles and could find his way home.  I've never met a wrangler before, and I can't wait to sit down and hear her story.  James was feeling a bit under the weather but still as cute as can be.  I think he'd be a great playmate for Rainee.

On Friday, Mike and I blazed a snowshoe trail down to the mine, around the mine building, and then up to our house.   Steve Lankenau, who is in town for a while, had already been back there, but we were on different trails.   He reports that his dad Vern is doing well.

Cool snowball rolling down a hill.
Looks like a snail? a rose?

Barb Woolverton (3) has been in town because of the death of her friend.   She's been dealing with that aftermath, and we haven't had a chance to see her.  It's been a long road for Barb, but in her text to me, she said that at last her friend is at peace.  We won't get a chance to see her this go-around, but she'll be back in May to spend some quality time on the deck.

Today, since there hasn't been much new snow, a skiff the other night, we just hiked up the trail because we didn't need snowshoes.  I overestimated my recovery from this nasty cold I've had and didn't make it nearly as far as I wanted.  I was pretty mad about it.  It was crystal clear this morning, about 15 degrees, and the dogs were wrestling in the snow, racing up and down the trail, and eating snowcones along the way. 

I love all the animal trails in the woods.


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