Happy Kansas Day!

 It's the 161st anniversary of Kansas becoming a state.  We are both originally from Kansas, me from the capitol city Topeka and Mike from Seneca, a small town about an hour north of Topeka.  Usually he likes to hang the Kansas flag, but we've misplaced it since the move.  It might be time for a new one.

"Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see."  Now you can have that earwarm in your head just like I have had for the past few days.  You're welcome.  Despite not having any new significant snowfall, I'm still absolutely in love with the color of a Colorado sky on a clear day.

Going to the post office this morning, I drove by the Ice Park - packed!.  The beginner hill was crawling with people and ropes.  The parking lots were full to overflowing.  Yay for the economy.  Next weekend is the international competition, and I can't wait to go down and take a gander at all these brave people hanging over the gorge.  Pictures to come.

Mike finally got his chainsaw yesterday, and when I got up this morning, he was continuing to read the manual.  Bless his heart, he said it was like Christmas morning. 

Byron Radle (13)  is in town and working his tractor/snowblower.  If we need a reminder it's winter, one can tell from his felt cowboy hat.  He switches it out for a straw (?) one on warmer days.

We have an incoming storm Tuesday and Wednesday to include snow and really cold temps.  On the Denver news last night, they were predicting seven inches for Telluride, which gives me hope that we'll get more than a dusting of snow.  I'll report next week!

OurayAmpitheater, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.


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