Your guess is as good as mine...

 I woke up at five this morning when the motion light outside our bedroom came on.  I got up and looked out to see a blizzard.  The wind was fierce at that point. However, on my official railing counter, there was just an inch or so of snow.  The road appears to have more, but I think it's just from blowing snow.  I walked down the road with the dogs earlier, and I didn't see any damage.   I could hear the snowblower from 5 MFL running.   Mike had been down in Ouray yesterday afternoon and said the wind there was something else, while we seem to have been somewhat protected.

I am grateful not to be living on the Front Range anymore - think Denver down to Colorado Springs - because the storm has just moved east, and there's not much moisture with it.  Fire danger is high, and even the light rail in Denver is removing overhead crossing lights in anticipation of big trouble.  

But all that said, I forget from year to year how energized I get with snow.  It's a magic elixir to me.

Monday afternoon, we drove up to Ironton Park because Mike wanted to see what the cross country ski trails looked like.  They are certainly doable at this point, although they haven't been groomed yet.  He's itching to get out and ski.

And just when you thought the Amerigas story was finished with my email to them that I owed them no money and to stop contacting me, three events happened.  First, on Monday, I got a bill in the mail from them for rental and late charge.  Head thunking ensued.  And yesterday, I got a call from the field guy who picked up our tank three weeks ago saying that he had gotten an order to come pick up the tank.  More head thunking.  And then this morning, Amber (18 MFL) emailed asking for help with verbiage to deal with Amerigas because with no notice to them, Amerigas put a lock on their tank.  There is no verbiage.

Oh, dear, well, in the all's well that end's well part of this, if you can get hooked up with JC Propane, they are a local company out of Delta, all their people we have dealt with are superior, and they do what they say they're going to do.  Amerigas?  Not so much.   Your tank doesn't have to be empty, but it helps if there's less rather than more.  

And to end on a happy note, my sons are coming next week to spend some time with us.  Greg arrives from Manhattan, KS on Tuesday, and Alex and his partner, Samantha, arrive from Colorado Springs with their three kitties (yay, yay, yay!) on Wednesday.  I am feeling incredibly joyful.


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