Snow! Cold!

 Yesterday was a bust in terms of snow accumulation.  I was so disappointed!  The storm was late arriving  becauase we now have about 5.5 inches at our house.  The best news for ski areas and ice caves is the cold.  When I got up this morning, it was 21, and the temperatures have been falling ever since, expecting a low of 1 degree overnight.   Mike saw early this morning that Telluride Ski got 17 inches and Purgatory (near Durango) received 21 inches.  

Mirabella has on her $5 winter coat

We walked up to the mine yesterday, and there was a good five inches on the ground there.  We saw an odd animal print, not sure what it was.  Those are always kind of scary.

Steve, 5 MFL property manager, emailed this morning asking if Mike wanted to use the snowblower.  We told him we thought we were fine for now.  Snow isn't in the forecast again until next Tuesday, and it should be above freezing a few of the days before that.  We are so appreciative of him continuing to keep us in mind when it snows.

One of the first lessons we learned when we moved in was to keep on top of the snow shoveling.  By the time we were able to get to decks and pathways last December, there was already a couple of feet on the ground, and that was hard to shovel.  Our paths and decks are already cleared.  Fool me once...  Oh, and another lesson was that snow shoveling is a fantastic way to burn calories, and today I can eat whatever I want and not suffer any consequences.  Win-win!


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