A Year!

 November 30, 2020, Mike and I signed the papers to buy 17 Mineral Farms Lane, all online, of course, since, well, pandemic, and we loaded up a UHaul van with plants - yes, a UHaul van just for plants - and Mike drove to Ouray.  The next morning, I met the movers at our storage unit, they loaded up the van, and off we all went.  

On December 2nd, Two Men and a Truck - although there were three men, not that I minded, were escorted by Mike up Camp Bird Road to Angel Creek Campground, where they could turn around, head downhill, and make the turn up MFL.  There were about six inches of snow on the ground, it was 20 degrees, and two of the three had on shorts.  They had the best attitude, all three of them, and were so helpful.

During the next week, it snowed another 20 inches, Mirabella and Dempsey were in doggie heaven, and we were ecstatic as one of the reasons we had moved from Colorado Springs was climate change had decimated snow levels for the front range.  We really like snow.  We have now experienced all four seasons in Ouray, and I can't pick a favorite.  It has all been fantastic.

The ice farmers are starting their work in the ice caves.  I've never been able to figure out why they're called "caves" when it's really gorges.  As you know, we've had unseasonably warm weather and absolutely no moisture so it's hard going for them.  Next week looks better for both lower temps and a chance of precipitation.

Beginner cliff

Amergas update:  just when it felt safe to dismiss their existence, yesterday they emailed me an invoice for tank rental with a $36 late fee.  I can't make this stuff up.  I replied with a tidy summary of events, along with a warning that any further contact would be considered harassment and would be treated as such.  Occasionally, it is helpful to be married to an attorney.  They know all the buzz words.

Because of warm and dry weather, Mike and five other members of Ouray Trail Group worked yesterday on removing fallen trees and even pushing one huge rock off Chief Ouray Mine Trail.  When a tree fell, the rock was dislodged and landed on the trail.  The six worked on that trail and also Sutton Mine Trail and Portland Mine Trail. 

In the year that we have been in Ouray, we have been incredibly lucky to find fabulous doctors and dentists in Ridgway and Montrose.  Before we moved here, I had read that Montrose Regional Hospital always ranks in the top 5 of small hospitals in the U.S. (not just Colorado).  Between ankle x-rays and my yearly mammogram, I have found them to be very efficient and thorough.

We did not realize that one of the the most difficult parts would be finding a professional and reliable groomer for the poodle and the doodle.  We tried Petco in Montrose, and Dempsey had issues, plus the website was unreliable at best.  We found a groomer in Ridgway and had one successful appointment in August.  We had an appointment two weeks ago with them, and they didn't show up and have not returned phone calls or emails.   Fortunately, we have found Robin Mitchell, who grooms three days a week out of Ouray Dog Company, and she is amazing.  We have had standard poodles for 20+ years, and I can honestly say Mirabella's haircut/groom was the best any of our poodles have ever had.  She is constantly booked, so I have already made their next appointment for th end of January.

I hope my next blog will have snow pictures!


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