Happy Thanksgiving!

 There is a scant 1.5 inches of snow on the ground.  It snowed most of yesterday but very lightly.  It is so beautiful up here, and I'm grateful I get to see it.  You've probably heard that Telluride Ski has delayed their opening because it's too warm, and so far it's looking like the La Nina predictions are coming true.  The ice farmers are trying to work in the ice caves, but it is slow going.

Barb Woolverton (3) sent me two videos showing a lone bighorn sheep wandering around her property.  I didn't realize they were up here, and it was so exciting to see. The coots are still around, despite the pond starting to freeze over and limiting their paddling space.  There aren't any bear signs, and haven't been since they wandered into our front yard, so I assume they're now safely hibernated.  We haven't seen the turkeys in weeks, hoping they went down to warmer areas.

In what I hope is the end of this saga, JP and Michelle (20) had Amerigas up to switch out tanks, and Mike went up and asked the worker if he could take our tank.  He said yes!  He did!  If we only dealt with the employees in the field, we would still be with Amerigas.  They are fantastic.

Buh-bye old tank

On the recent hikes Mike and I have done - part of the Perimeter, Portland Mine, and most recently Silvershield, we have come upon a lot of downed trees.  Ouray Trail Group works late spring and into the summer, at least twice a week, on all of our trails in order to keep them clear and hikable.  You can support their efforts by joining the group.  You don't have to sign up to work.  It's just a way to help our beautiful area.  Their website is https://ouraytrails.org/, and there's a donate form there, too, if you feel you can.

Silvershields trail -view looking south to Ouray

I have recently been able to start going to the gym located at the Hot Springs.  It's small but has everything I need to get my stamina back.  Unfortunately, I've lost a lot of ground during the pandemic, which I can tell by how much weight I can't lift on arms and legs machine.  There are three ellipticals, three treadmills, a rowing machine, and several stationary bikes.  There are weight machines and free weights.  I have to carve out a place to do my mat work, but that's a small price to pay for having a gym in Ouray.

Koi pond at the Hot Springs.
I love the turtle sunning himself.

And lastly, we were at Colorado Boy for dinner the other night, and they had this beer on the menu.  Hmm.  Our waiter said it was light and sweet.  We took his word for it.

Olathe Sweet Corn Ale


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