
Showing posts from November, 2024

Greetings from Las Vegas!

 While we are away, Dustin and Alex have agreed to be our official measurer of snow.  This morning, I got a text from Dustin that we've received 11 inches of snow in the last eight hours.  I have no pictures, obviously, but I wanted everyone to know - snow!!

All quiet

 It's looking like the bomb cyclone and atmospheric river that's hitting the northwest will be coming through Colorado next week.  We have chances of snow Sunday through Wednesday, with the best chances on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We only have 18 inches so far. Yesterday was a better day for Dempsey, who has been struggling, because Alex and Dustin let Frankie out to play with our boy, and watching those two dogs romp and play bow and race around did wonderful things for my mood, as I'm sure it did for him.  Then Sequoia and Mango raced across the frozen pond and joined in for a bit.  Dempsey has never been without Mirabella, and so he is as sad as Mike and I are. Walking along the pond this morning, we saw these itty-bitty tracks, a mouse or a chipmunk. Dude is like, "Oh, hell no!"


 Our joyful, adventurous, prancy, will-you-be-my-friend Mirabella has died.  She was diagnosed with an oral melanoma or sarcoma on October 2nd, and there was nothing to be done.  Nothing slowed down the growth.  She was just shy of 12 years old. For those of you who don't know Mirabella's background, she had a difficult first few months of her life.  Mirabella was the only one of her litter to survive parvo.  She also had raging giardia.  At three months, her breeder gave Mirabella to National Mill Dog Rescue - an amazing, truly amazing rescue organization based in Calhan, CO -  because the breeder thought Mirabella was going blind.   A trip to a Colorado Springs doggie ophthamologist confirmed this, that Mirabella would be blind by the time she was a year old.  We adopted her from NMDR when she was six months old, thinking we could figure out how to have a blind dog. Fast forward five months, we took her back to the doggie ophthmal...

A boulder the size of a boulder

 I got a travel alert this morning on my phone from Ouray County Sheriff, "US 550 Red Mountain Pass is closed between Silverton and Ouray due to a rockfall.  The boulder will require downsizing to remove it from the highway."  This reminded me of a story from a few years ago where a boulder fell I think on Lizard Head Pass, and some media outlet called it "a boulder the size of a boulder."  They got endless grief for that description. We had a surprise two and a half inch snowfall overnight, bringing us to 18 inches for the season.   The railing on our deck is how I measure and record snowfall at our house

Bright sunny skies!

 Even though I love snow, it's great when the sun comes out after a week or so of snow and gloom.  Mike and I took a short snowshoe walk up Veenstras' trail and started the trail, although I think Alex and/or Dustin had been up before us.  What a great addition they are to our neighborhood! Dempsey the snow dog Start of the snowshoe trail From Camp Bird Road, as the storm clears

What a difference a week makes

 Last week, I was fretting - as I do - about our lack of snow in October.  Now a week later, we have 15 inches of snow.  Yay us!  Here's how it played out: October 30 - 2.5; November 3, 4, 6 - 13 inches.  Nine of those latter inches fell Tuesday night into Wednesday. I am beyond thrllled to report that Marchelle and Aaron now have an operating septic system!!!  The landscaping will have to wait until spring. For those of you not here: Cattails on the lower pond Nifty freeze pattern on the upper pond.

And more

 We've had an additional four inches of snow in the past 24 hours, with a potential winter storm setting up for more snow tomorrow night.  It's a winter wonderland.  Mike and I went up the trail yesterday and found bear tracks!  They are a few weeks from hibernating. I got an update on the Kraffts' St. Pete Beach home.  All the walls have to be replaced four feet up from the floor.  Sandy is handling all the scheduling, and Larry is doing mold mitigation and doing all the errands.  Electrical is good.  The floor tile is in but not the baseboards.  FEMA has been exceptional. Mike talked to Craig Hinkson last week, and our new fire hydrant and potential culvert are on the schedule for next May.  Mike will be sure to follow up next spring, but we're excited that Larry and Sandy finally get that protection. And the calm before the storm:

Getting my hopes up

from The Weather Channel