
Showing posts from October, 2021

Wildlife update and warning

 Update:  I just saw the turkeys in front of the Whites' house (18) - all three of them.  For some reason, those birds have become important to us. Warning:  Barb Woolverton (3) sent me a video captured last night from her security camera, and it showed a mountain lion trotting through her backyard.  They are nasty and don't have a sense of humor that we're aware of.   Although they range far and wide, be wary, be very wary.

Bears and turkeys and deer, oh, my!

It was a busy wildlife night on Mineral Farms Lane last night.  The bear tracks started behind our house (17) so they - yes, plural, most likely three - must have come down from the woods and the Veenstra's trail.  They knocked over our firepit cover and our little grill and then came around our house and down the road.  They followed the road to the Radles (13), went around their house then back to the road down to the Lonjaks (5).  While there, they decided to tip over the dumpster, no trash out but an apparent dented lid.  Being that we're talking bears, I decided not to explore further. I know it's a dog eat dog world, but I hope our resident turkeys are safe this morning A no-doubter Multiple deer tracks down towards  Camp Bird Road The title of this blog is a reference to the Wizard of Oz , and it is supposed that if one listens carefully, one will hear a Wizard of Oz reference every day.  Truth, I have Mash  on in the background, and Colone...

Import from Wix (previous website) for posterity

  Welcome to Connie in Ouray - Septembe 14, 2021 Since March of 2009, I have written a blog for my far-flung family and friends. It's a small group for sure, but it's been a way for us to stay connected. It has been especially important during COVID since all three of my siblings and both my sons live elsewhere. When Mike and I moved here December 1, 2020, there were four houses occupied full-time. This winter, it appears we're going to be down to two, Jason at 15 and us at 17. So...I'm starting this blog, open to anyone on Mineral Farms Lane, to keep those not here up to date on the goings-on in our little neighborhood. This morning, six of us appeared before the Ouray County Commissioners at their meeting and expressed our concerns about the traffic issues on Camp Bird Road. Mike and I (17), Larry and Sandy (on Camp Bird), and Barb and Steve (3) presented a united front, and Mike agreed to present our concerns. Briefly, the issues we presented were (a) speed...